  • 23 years
  • Nymburk
  • 18 users have already contacted her
  • Activity 21 days ago
  •  Karmel Mladá Boleslav
  •  ironing
  •  cleaning windows
  •  Car cleaning

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Criminal Record

documented online · at the time of inspection not older than 3 months

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About me

My name is Adela.
I cleaned a lady's house 3 times a week for about 3 years.
It was a total cleaning.
I cleaned the premises of the apartment building.
I cleaned for 1 year at the Hospital for Surgery and Gynecology.
And of course, I have to deal with cleaning every day because I have my own household.


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Čeština, English, Deutsch, and Spanish

Umím anglicky a španělsky.

Where clean:

Primary city: Středočeský » Nymburk, Středočeský kraj » Nymburk