  • 3 years experience
  • 20 years
  • Brno-Kohoutovice
  • She has already been contacted by 4 parents
  • Activity 3 months ago
  • Response time: 30 minutes
  •  Gymnázium, Banská Bystrica
  •  Masarykova univerzita, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Brno
  • First Aid Certificate
  •  prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
  •  I babysit at parents' place
  •  she can babysit 6 kids
  •   Birthday parties and other
  •   Overnights
  •   Groups of kids

Martina K.

200 Kč/hour

  • 20 years
  • 3 years experience
  • Covid-19 vaccine

About me

I graduated from grammar school in Banská Bystrica and now I'm starting my studies at university in Brno.
I have been working on camps for children for 5 years and during a school year I lead something like "girl scout group". I get along with children very well whatever their personality and age is.

General Experience


no experience


no experience


3 years


3 years


3 years

Special Experience

Hyperactivity, Care for Sick Children, Food Allergies, Sleep Disorders, and Special needs

Skills and Hobbies

Singing/playing musical instrument, Drawing, painting, and Sport

Hrať na flautu, parkour, vyrábať, vymýšľať zábavu, piecť...


Čeština, English, and Slovak

Moje úroveň Angličtiny je B2, spravila som maturitnú skúšku a dohovorím sa bez problémov. Z nemčiny viem základy.


Certifikát zo školenia o animátorstve

Where babysit

Primary city: Jihomoravský » Brno » Brno, Jihomoravský kraj » Brno-Kohoutovice