5 reviews
  • 5 years experience
  • 33 years
  • Brno-střed
  • She has already been contacted by 22 parents
  • Activity 5 months ago
  •  Bakalářské
  •  prefers sitting: 20 - 40 hours/week
  •  I have a place for babysitting
  •  I have a car
  •  I can take kids by car
  •  she can babysit 3 kids
  •   Travel for Vacations
  •   Groups of kids

Miray T.

180 Kč/hour

  • (5)
  • 33 years
  • 5 years experience
  • Covid-19 vaccine

She passed document verification (ID or DL)

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Aris K.17/01/2024Babysitting - via this platform

Miray is an experienced and patient babysitter. She managed to help with my 4-year-old daughter, who had some kind of separation syndrome, and she easily convinced her to let me go from their flat. Her son is very sweet and goes well along with my daughter, so they play nice all the time.
They have a big and well-equipped kids room full of toys, and she also makes up games that keep my daughter interested and looking forward to going there all the time. She is also paying attention to details to keep my daughter hydrated or checking if she is hungry (and therefore angry :D) I highly recommend her!

Alžbeta V.10/08/2023Babysitting - via this platform

Miray je hlídačka snů! Je nekonečně laskavá a pozorná, má pro děti ideální prostor (krásný dětský pokoj i zahradu), její syn je prostě úžasný a já k ní cítím absolutní důvěru. Vždy, když je můj syn v jejich společnosti mám pocit, že má krásný program a že jsem ho ,,neodložila", ale našla jsem mu skvělé místo s lidmi, které máme opravdu rádi. Doporučuji všemi deseti! :)

Diego S.16/06/2023Babysitting - via this platform

Miray has been great with my son. She plays with him, feeds him and takes care of him. She has also a son who plays with mine a lot, they get along so well it makes me very happy. As a parent I'm very grateful for Miray's support, she follows my kid's routines, feeds him with healthy food and communicates promptly with us the parents. My son has had an amazing time at Miray's place, I can see that he feels comfortable and safe there.

Alexandra K.16/06/2023Babysitting - via this platform

Miray mi hlídá syna od jeho 2 měsíců, vždy si skvěle poradí, mám v ní 100% důvěru. Chlapečka mi vždy vrátí spokojeného nebo spinkajícího a vždy obdržím fotky, jak se mu daří. Moc děkuji :-)

Martina A.18/05/2023Babysitting - via this platform

Paní hlídala 1,5 ročního syna v Brně cca 6 hodin u sebe doma. S hlídáním jsem byla velice spokojená, syn si hrál s chlapečkem od paní a s pejskem. Prostředí je příjemné, mají dětský pokoj s hračkami a venku pískoviště. Syn za celou dobu nebrečel a po hlídání byl veselý a aktivní. Paní má vřelý vztah k dětem a mohu ji jen doporučit.

About me

My name is Miray, I studied English literature and I have been teaching English for children for many years. I also worked in a forest kindergarten in Olomouc.
I offer babysitting at my home in the wider center of Brno, Nové Sady Street, together with my 4.5-year-old son Daniel, we have a flat with access to a garden with a sandpit, my son's room is quite large with lots of toys and children's books, we also have Emanuel the turtle, who likes to sunbathe in the garden. :-)
I have my car with an extra child seat, so I can also offer to take the child home by arrangement.
We like to to do creative activities and paint with the children, Daniel loves yoga and likes to bake, there is a possibility to agree on arranging English lessons as well. :-)
I look forward to hearing from you!

General Experience


5 years


5 years


5 years


5 years


no experience

Special Experience

Asthma, Hyperactivity, Care for Sick Children, and Food Allergies

Skills and Hobbies

Drawing, painting, Dance/physical activity, and Sport


Čeština and English

Mohu doučovat AJ, doučovala jsem několik let děti i dospělé.

Where babysit

Primary city: Jihomoravský » Brno » Brno-střed » Brno-střed