  • 27 years
  • Hradec Králové
  • 16 users have already contacted her
  • Activity about 1 month ago
  •  Střední zemědělská a veterinární Lanškroun
  • First Aid Certificate
  •  ironing
  •  cleaning windows
  •  Car cleaning

Karolína I.

180 Kč/hour

  • 27 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Verified e-mail and phone number

She passed document verification (ID or DL)

check against duplicate registrations · validation date verification

Criminal Record

documented online · at the time of inspection not older than 3 months

you will get access to the full detail of the verification

About me

At my house, cleaning is the order of the day. I vacuum, mop, dust, clean the carpet, wash the bathroom and kitchen and everything else that is needed. If you're used to your preparations, that's fine, but there's no problem in bringing something with you.
In addition to cleaning at home, I also have experience in cleaning stores and it is no problem for me to wash your car or pet.


Každý všední den

Current calendar is not availaible


Čeština, English, and Slovak

Angličtina úroveň B2, žila jsem rok v Anglii.


Where clean:

Primary city: Královéhradecký » Hradec Králové, Královéhradecký kraj » Hradec Králové