English language tutoring Slatina
Found 27 tutors
Choose an English language tutor in Slatina. They'll help your child with all difficulty levels, from the English alphabet to past perfect tense. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see ratings from other families.
Natália L.
Natália L.
- Document verified
I am a college student. Already during secondary school (bilingual grammar school in English), I started teaching English in a language school. I continue to study in English at...

Marie Š.
Marie Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I am English-Czech language gymnasium student who’d like to help kids with their English. I started learning English when I was in kindergarten and I think it's an integral part...

Agáta K.
Agáta K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name is Agáta and I offer tutoring for children of all ages, mainly focusing on primary school. My teaching is inspired by Montessori methods, where I studied until 5th grade...

Magdalena E.
Magdalena E.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
Hello, my name is Magdalena and I offer chemistry and Czech tutoring. I have been studying chemistry for three years, so if you need help with basic/intermediate chemistry, I wo...

Michaela O.
Michaela O.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience in tutoring my younger sister and helping her with her final exams. I could also tutor Psychology or Pedadogy, which is what i studied at my Bachelor’s.

Filip T.
Filip T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Každý rok se účastním v turnaji piškvorek již 6 let. Účast i v grandfinále 2024. Také účast na matematických olympiádách. Rád počítám i ve volném čase. Mám pozitivní vztah k dět...

Eliška B.
Eliška B.
I have experiences from teaching Mathematics and Czech from an agency. Also I was teaching Czech some people from abroad. I am trying to find an individual way how to explain ...

Helena P.
Helena P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Jmenuji se Helena, vystudovala jsem Gymnázium v České Lípě a v roce 2021 jsem úspěšně složila maturitní zkoušku z chemie a biologie. Od 16 let jsem dobrovolníkem v mezinárodní h...

Kristýna O.
Kristýna O.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Ráda bych vám nabídla doučování pro děti na základní škole. Mám zkušenosti s doučováním češtiny a chemie, ale není problém se domluvit i na jiných předmětech. Při doučování použ...

Pracujem z domu takze mam cas skoro kedykolvek