Home senior care Slatina
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Elisabeth P.
Elisabeth P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I have been working with seniors practically since forever, because I have a very good relationship with them and I like to spend time with them. As a child, I visited my grandm...
Veronika H.
Veronika H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
I always have great relationships with seniors. From a young age, I always helped my grandfather and grandmother when they couldn't or even when they could. I don't have any big...
Miriama S.
Miriama S.
- Video verification
Unfortunately, I personally no longer have my grandmother and grandfather, but I have many beautiful memories of them. I can help with shopping or cleaning, accompany to the doc...
Barbora P.
Barbora P.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I have been involved with seniors since I was young, when I often kept my grandmother and grandfather company, helping them in the house, in the garden or with shopping. I expa...
Kateřina J.
Kateřina J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I worked as a carer in the Czech Republic for three years and then in Great Britain for 5 years. I don't have a carer course from the Czech Republic, but I have an NVQ Level 3 ...
Bohumila N.
Bohumila N.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Jmenuji se Bohunka, je mi 22 let a studuji Všeobecné ošetřovatelství na 3.LF v Praze. S péčí o seniory mám zkušenosti od mala, starala jsem se a stále se starám o mého dědečka a...
Martina K.
Martina K.
I spent almost every weekend and summer vacation at my grandmother's and grandfather's, where we spent time talking, my grandmother was an incredible storyteller of events from ...
Kateřina J.
Kateřina J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Mám letitou praxi v péči o člena rodiny ( bratr babičky) s retardací a později i s cukrovkou. Také jsem pracovala jako Asistentka chráněného bydlení pro lidi s mentálním znevýh...
Zdislava S.
Zdislava S.
- Document verified
Jmenuji se Zdislava. Sama jsem již v seniorském vêku, ale jsem schopna pomoci potŕebným. Se seniory jsem vyrůstala, vychovala mě babička a mám ke starším lidem i postiženým hezk...