Pet sitting Slatina
Found 286 pet sitters
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Barbora J.
Barbora J.
- Document verified
I adore animals and in the future I would like to devote myself to some kind of dog training. I myself have owned many animals since I was little, such as turtles, a parakeet, g...

Clavel D.
Clavel D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I live in Zizkov area, Prague 3. I own a small friendly dog, Bichon Frise, to accompany your fur baby in our place. I have a deep love for animals and have been caring for pets...

Berenika Š.
Berenika Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Welcome to my profile! Since childhood, I’ve raised domestic rabbits at home. For the past few years, I’ve primarily been taking care of house cats. Currently, I have two boys a...

Andrea Ř.
Andrea Ř.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Milí majitelé domácích mazlíčků, vítejte na mém profilu :). Jmenuji se Andrea a zvířátka mám moc ráda. Od mala jsem měla vždy nějaké zvířátko, měla jsem želvičku, chameleona, os...

Kateřina V.
Kateřina V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hello there, my name is Kačka and I am glad that you have visited my profile! I have been in close contact with the animals since I was little. We never missed a dog in our hous...

Andrea V.
Andrea V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Hello there! I'm a lifelong dog lover with a big heart and a cozy home just a stone's throw away from a stunning park. Growing up with dogs and various other pets, I've cherish...

Natália L.
Natália L.
- Document verified
I have always liked animals. I grew up around horses and took care of them since I was little. In addition to them, there were also dogs and cats with which I have experience. W...

Kateřina K.
Kateřina K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Jmenuji se Kateřina a jsem velký milovník zvířat. Od mala jsem měla křečky, morčata a osmáky + pejska. Zkušenosti mám i s kočičkami. Ráda se domluvím na hlídání u Vás doma. Mome...

Bohumila N.
Bohumila N.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Jmenuji se Bohunka, je mi 22 let, studuji Všeobecné ošetřovatelství na 3.LF v Praze a od mala mám velmi blízko k pejskům. Nikdy jsem nemela svého pejska, ale vyrůstala jsem se ...

Nikola V.
Nikola V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Už od malička jsem vyrůstala kolem psů, koček a dalších zvířat. Starala jsem se o zlatého retrívra, nyní máme křížence čivavy a kočky. Zkušenosti mám také s křečky, morčaty nebo...

Většinou můžu středy, čtvrtky a pátky, ale záleží na domluvě