 Pet Sit Photos
6 reviews
  • 20 years
  • Praha 8
  • 81 users have already contacted her
  • Booked repeatedly
  • She sends photos from pet sitting.
  • Activity 5 days ago
  • Response time: 2 hours
  •  SOŠ pedagogická Evropská 33
  •  Overnight stay at my home
  •  Overnight stay at dogs (cats...) home
  •  Visit & play
  •  Dog walking
  •  Over the day at my home
  •  Small (up to 5kg)
  •  Medium (up to 25kg)
  •  Big (up to 40kg)
  •  Junior
  •  Adult
  •  Senior
  •  I have no cat
  •  I have no dog
  •  I have no children 0-5
  •  I have no children 6-12

Jana B.

250 Kč/hour


  • (7)
  • 20 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Clean criminal record, ID archived

Verified education and certificates

Základní škola Praha. Řidičský průkaz skupiny B od roku 2023.

Verified identity

Criminal Record

documented online · at the time of inspection not older than 3 months

you will get access to the full detail of the verification



Simona K.31/07/2024Pet care

Janča s partnerom mi strážili fenku yorkshíra pravidelne a som dodnes si myslím, že som nemohla nájsť lepšie. Nikdy nemali problém sa psíkovi alebo mojim požiadavkám prispôsobiť, podávať lieky a vždy sa mi vrátila vymazlená, vybehaná a spokojná. Občas som mala pocit, že jej je u nich lepšie ako doma.
Vrelo odporúčam všetkým majiteľom.

Andrei08/07/2024Pet care

Hrozně jsme vděčný Janě za hlídání našich mazlíčků. Byli jsme úplně spokojený, každý den jsme měli videa a fotky. Jana byla hrozné zodpovědná a ptala se na různé drobnosti, které by vadili zvířatům. Bylo vidět, že s tím má zkušeností. Fakt doporučujeme. A ještě jednou děkujeme😊

Karina R.08/07/2024Pet care

Jana a Vítek byli perfektní, mám fenku Čevo, která trpí lehkou separační úzkosti a musím říct, že za mě to dopadlo na 1***, vrátila se mi unavená a šťastná. Můžu doporučit a těším se na další hlídaní.

Veruska C.19/05/2024Pet care

Slečna Jana s přítelem Vítkem jsou naprosto vynikající. Mojí dva pejsci se měli velmi dobře, nic jim nechybělo a pravidelně dostávali lásku a pomazlení. Tento pár vřele doporučuji a těším se na příští hlídání. Přeji jim hodně štěstí do života.

Danica D.22/01/2024Pet care

Jana venčila našeho psa, dlouhosrstá kolie, pes byl velmi spokojený a nám to moc pomohlo. Má hezký vztah k zvířatům, lehce se dalo domluvit, příjemné jednání.

Šárka N.10/10/2023Pet care

Sháněli jsme hlídání docela na poslední chvíli a vše dopadlo skvěle. Slečna s přítelem vzali našeho pejska na výlet, během celého dne posílali fotky a videa a pejsek byl nejvíc nadšený, vrátil se unavený a spokojený. :) moc doporučujeme a děkujeme

About me

☀️I was also the owner of dogs that I loved above all else, so it is clear to me that it is not easy to entrust your pet to someone else's hands. I base myself on mutual trust, a friendly approach and I treat my pets with love. I send photos, videos and information about how the pet is doing and what we experience together during the time of babysitting ☀️

📎Who am I?
My name is Jana and I am a 20-year-old girl working as a kindergarten teacher. My boyfriend, who shares the household and pet care with me, is called Vítek, he is 25 years old and works as a nutritional therapist. We are a very active and friendly couple, we love nature and live together in a cozy, large apartment (in Prague 8). We also love all pets (except spiders and snakes 😅). We don't have any pets of our own yet, so I would like to look after and help others who have their little ones at home and want the best and most loving care for them while they can't be with them. I have experience with small and large dogs (puppies and seniors), cats, rodents (guinea pigs, rats, rabbits, hamsters), and parrots.

📎What does babysitting look like?
- I always look after pets ONLY FROM ONE OWNER on a given date 🍀
- I approach pets individually according to the owner's requirements 💗
- I love nature and trips, which we often go on, we will gladly take your pet with us anywhere!
- We live in a quiet part of Prague, there is a park near our home, we regularly go to the pond in Bohnice and also for walks along the Vltava.
- Since we work, we both leave the apartment in the morning and usually return shortly after lunch. However, our jobs are very flexible, which is a big advantage. When babysitting, we try to adapt to your pet's regime as much as possible - for dogs, for example, we try to adjust the times when they are used to going out, feeding, the length of walks, etc. Whether it is a dog, cat or other pet, they are not without my presence for more than about 5-6 hours a day and if necessary, I am able to arrange my work so that we spend time with the pet being looked after non-stop and it does not have to be without my supervision.
- I am open to one-time and long-term, regular babysitting ☀️

If you have any other questions, I will be happy to answer 😊
If you are interested, you can also call |phone hidden|
Regards and have a nice day
Janča (and Vítek)

What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet

Information needed for comfortable dog sitting
Health condition:
- including allergies
- possibly information on administering medication

- how many times a day?
- in what quantity? (e.g. one scoop, two handfuls, 1/2 bag...)
+ if the pet has one, information on food supplements

- to which the dog reacts
+ if there is something forbidden (e.g. climbing into bed), please also provide information

What does the pet like?
- e.g. scratching, fetching,...
What does the pet dislike?
- e.g. children, belly rubs,...

How many times a day? Approximately what time is the dog used to be? And for how long?
How does the dog get along with other dogs?
- We don't like to let dogs that we don't know that much go out. So how is it with a dog on a leash and with a walk on vacation?
How long can a pet stay home alone?
- we are away from home for about 5-6 hours a day during the week (does not apply in May, June, July, August)
- we are away from home exceptionally at the weekend (e.g. shopping)

Is the pet afraid of something?
Is there a possibility that the pet will urinate?
Will the pet survive in our absence without barking or destroying things?
Is your pet neutered?
Is there anything else we should know?
Do you have any other requirements and wishes?

Owner's phone number:

Phone number of the representative remaining in the Czech Republic:

I want/I do not want to send photos from the babysitting.
If so, how often? As often as possible. / A few times a day. / Once a day.

Please fill in all information TRULY.


Víkendy, pracovní dny

Calendar last updated before 13 days

Mar 26 – 30, 2025


Čeština and English


Where care:

Primary city: Praha » Praha 8 » Praha 8

Where am I available too?: Neratovice, Středočeský kraj