Babysitting Praha 9
Found 334 sitters
Choose a sitter in Praha 9. On each profile you can take a look at the level of verification of the sitter, read about her experience and, above all, find out how other parents evaluate her.

Magdalena Č.
Magdalena Č.
- Personally verified
- Bank iD Verification
I am available for babysitting mostly in the mornings and afternoons, Monday through Sunday. I have the most experience with toddlers, but I can easily take care of children of ...

Kristýna L.
Kristýna L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
My name is Kristýna and I graduated from the pedagogy secondary school in Krnov. After that I graduated in psychology and art education at the University of Ostrava with a focus...

Ivana Z.
Ivana Z.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Hi there, my name is Ivana and I am 28yo. When I was 18 I moved to London where I lived and worked for 8years. I looked after kids from 0-4yo. I also worked in private nursery ...

Kateřina R.
Kateřina R.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
Jmenuji se Kateřina, je mně 55 let a bydlím v Holešovicích na Praze 7. Jsem maminkou dvou dospělých dcer. Již téměř 30 let pracuji u stejné společnosti v oblasti pojišťovnictví....

Eliška M.
Eliška M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
- Bank iD Verification
Hello, my name is Eliška 😊 I am a student of the Czech University of Life Sciences. From a young age, I took care of my younger brother, who is five years younger, then I looke...

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