German language tutoring Cítov
Found 3 tutors
Choose a German language tutor in Cítov. They'll help your child with all difficulty levels, from basic grammar to perfect and preterite tense. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see ratings from other families.
Laura J.
Laura J.
- Document verified
I can tutor English and German – I am fluent in both languages and I really enjoy teaching. I have experience working with young children, as I teach English to first graders. I...

Andrea V.
Andrea V.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Milí rodičové, jsem 41letá žena plná energie a radosti ze života. :) Vzdělání: VŠ Titul: Mgr. Vystudovaný obor: Humanistika (Bc.), Evropská kulturní studia (Mgr.) Univerzita:...

Lucie H.
Lucie H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience in tutoring, mostly in Czech language or English language. However, I have a general overview, so I control more subjects. Since I graduated from a hotel schoo...

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