English language tutoring Lužec nad Vltavou
Found 75 tutors
Choose an English language tutor in Lužec nad Vltavou. They'll help your child with all difficulty levels, from the English alphabet to past perfect tense. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see ratings from other families.
Valérie T.
Valérie T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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I'm 19 years old, I have a high school diploma and I like to help younger children with their studies. I have always helped my younger sister. I can tutor Czech and English for ...
Michaela P.
Michaela P.
- Document verified
I have much experience with tutoring. Currently I am tutoring 7 kids. My main concern is a good mind of mine students, they shouldn't be unhappy and worried and I always try to ...
Evgeniia D.
Evgeniia D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Hello everyone! My name Is Evgeniia and I offer personalized English and Russian tutoring sessions tailored to your needs. With seven years of immersive experience living abroa...
Johana F.
Johana F.
Hi, my name is Johana and here are some informations about me. I study secondary school of agriculture ( the fourth year ) and i have been studying art school for 12 years now. ...
Elisabeth C.
Elisabeth C.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I have experience tutoring English and Czech on the elementary school level and the level of a gymnasium. I have special love for biology and chemistry especially biochemistry a...
Andrea P.
Andrea P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I have experience teaching English in a kids club (kids from 3 to 6 y.o.). I'm currently at university studying psychology. I'm able to teach Czech or English, eventually elemen...
Anežka U.
Anežka U.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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I have experience in math and English tutoring. I tutored children from different year of studies in elementary school. Now I was preparing a ninth-grade student for the high sc...
Anna K.
Anna K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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K doučování jako takovém jsem se dostala už jako studentka. Především pravopis a gramatika a výslovnost mě vždy bavila a ráda jsem poučovala ostatní. Ke každému studentovi přist...
Radim Š.
Radim Š.
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- Bank iD Verification
Krásný den, miluji doučování, rád zjišťuji potřeby každého studenta a podle jeho celkových zkušeností, preferencí a vztahu k danému předmětu volím způsob výuky. Každý je uniká...
Edith K.
Edith K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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I am currently studying at FHS UK and I graduated from a nursing high school, where I also acquired a Cambridge certificate, grade C1 from English. I've been tutoring children, ...
Rajeh K.
Rajeh K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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Help Improving English language skills of the students of ages 6 years and above. Personalized teaching based on individual interest especially for gifted kids (holistic and cen...
Tereza K.
Tereza K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Ahoj! Jmenuji se Tereza. Studuji Vysokou školu ekonomickou, momentálně již magisterské studium. Mám moc ráda děti i zvířátka. Už šestým rokem každé prázdniny vypomáhám s dětmi j...
Andrea V.
Andrea V.
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- Bank iD Verification
Milí rodičové, jsem 41letá žena plná energie a radosti ze života. :) Vzdělání: VŠ Titul: Mgr. Vystudovaný obor: Humanistika (Bc.), Evropská kulturní studia (Mgr.) Univerzita:...
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