English language tutoring Nučice
Found 23 tutors
Choose an English language tutor in Nučice. They'll help your child with all difficulty levels, from the English alphabet to past perfect tense. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see ratings from other families.
Tereza S.
Tereza S.
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I have experience with english language mostly because of my studies and working abroad. I would love to show the kids that it is okay to make mistakes but the most important pa...

Nikola M.
Nikola M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I am studying at the science high school in Prague. I can offer tutoring in mathematics, Czech language and biology for elementary school children or preparation for entrance ex...

Michaela B.
Michaela B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I have experience tutoring primary school children, including gifted ones and those with special educational needs. I am currently studying for a degree in Special Education at ...

Denisa S.
Denisa S.
- Document verified
I have experience, the lessons are always individual and fun. I am patient and will help you with homework, essays, exam preparation, just about anything. English level - B2. I ...

Aneta H.
Aneta H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I have many years of experience tutoring Czech language, both for foreigners and native speakers. I also work as a journalist. Additionally, I have regularly tutored English and...

Julie M.
Julie M.
- Document verified
I have experience with tutoring mathematics, Czech, and English, but I am also capable of teaching other subjects (natural and humanities sciences for elementary school and fore...

Ellen K.
Ellen K.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I am a third-year bachelor's student of Czech and English at the Faculty of Education, Charles University. I have experience tutoring both Czech and English. I have also helped ...

Jana B.
Jana B.
- Document verified
Ahoj! I am a patient and friendly tutor who will help you on your way to mastering Czech. Welcome to my profile! I am native Czech speaker. I have a lot of friends who always a...

Markéta Ř.
Markéta Ř.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Nabízím doučování angličtiny pro začátečníky až středně pokročilé. Mám Cambridge certifikát na úrovni C2. Studuji psychologii na Univerzitě Karlově a mám bohaté zkušenosti s pra...

Meetra M.
Meetra M.
- Document verified
ráda bych nabídla doučování angličtiny a matematiky na všech úrovních. Mám zkušenosti s výukou a dokážu přizpůsobit látku individuálním potřebám studentů. Výuka probíhá v přátel...

Daniel H.
Daniel H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Dobrý den, jmenuji se Daniel, je mi 24 a rád bych se Vám nabídl na doučování Vašich dětí. Doučuji již několikátým rokem s většinovou spokojeností žáků i rodičů. Doučované předm...

Téměř každý den, podle domluvy 😊