Czech language tutoring Svojetice
Found 169 tutors
Choose a Czech language tutor in Svojetice. They'll help your child with all difficulty levels, from basic grammar to literature analysis. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see ratings from other families.
Lucie F.
Lucie F.
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S doučováním dětí mám bohaté zkušenosti, doučuji již od svých 15 let. Doučovat můžu žáky ZŠ a prvních ročníků SŠ. Především matematiku, češtinu, angličtinu, ale můžeme se domluv...

Eliška K.
Eliška K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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Last year, in addition to Czech, I graduated from the basics of social sciences, German and mathematics. I am studying at a university, where I focus in detail on individual are...

Barbora Š.
Barbora Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
My experience with tutoring has been mostly with close and distant family, or tutoring friends. My favourite subject at school was maths and later on physics joined it, I also g...

Hedvika P.
Hedvika P.
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- Bank iD Verification
I have experience with turoring basics of English grammar, for example English tenses, irregular verbs, articles and so on. With my student, we can discuss anything needed for o...

Miloslava V.
Miloslava V.
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- Bank iD Verification
I graduated from the Secondary School of Librarianship in Brno and then from the Charles University in Prague. I currently work in a translation agency as a proofreader. I have ...

Elisabeth P.
Elisabeth P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I have experience in tutoring English to classmates in high school. My English level is B2. I completed a nine-year set of opera singing lessons, two years of choral singing. In...

Kateřina L.
Kateřina L.
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Hello! 👩🏻🎓 I am a graduate of the College of Education and teacher. I adapt tutoring to the individual needs of the student. I have experience in tutoring Czech language, Engl...

Petra Š.
Petra Š.
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I would gladly adapt to the student's needs. I follow the thought that we get the best results with effor and by being patient.

Štěpánka T.
Štěpánka T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I have a Bachelor's degree in English-American Studies, a Master's degree in English Linguistics and I am currently working as a lecturer in a language school. I have extensive ...

Tereza B.
Tereza B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Hello! I am a student of English and Art at the Faculty of Education of Charles University, and I’ve also been working with third graders at an elementary school for a year and ...

Ester M.
Ester M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I have experience in tutoring mathematics, English and biology at the middle school and high school level. I adapt to the needs of the students.

Barbora T.
Barbora T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
S doučováním mám zkušenosti hlavně z rodiny, kde jsem učila bratry. Dále jsem ve volném čase doučovala žáky druhého stupně a při hlídání pomáhám s učením dětem na prvním stupni....

Iva R.
Iva R.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Nabízím výuku českého jazyka na úrovni 1. a 2.stupně základní školy, jazykovou přípravu k nástupu do mateřské školky i první třídy, procvičování logopedická. Jsem učitelka s v...

Markéta Z.
Markéta Z.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
- Bank iD Verification
Zdravím, mám vystudovanou střední školu s maturitou v oboru masér sportovní a rekondiční. Doučuji anglický jazyk, ale zvládnu i češtinu nebo lékařské předměty

Po předchozí domluvě můžu kdykoliv :)