Czech language tutoring Davle
Found 223 tutors
Choose a Czech language tutor in Davle. They'll help your child with all difficulty levels, from basic grammar to literature analysis. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see ratings from other families.
Petra Š.
Petra Š.
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I would gladly adapt to the student's needs. I follow the thought that we get the best results with effor and by being patient.

Tereza B.
Tereza B.
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Hello! I am a student of English and Art at the Faculty of Education of Charles University, and I’ve also been working with third graders at an elementary school for a year and ...

Aneta A.
Aneta A.
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Zdravím, mé jméno je Aneta a je mi 21 let. S doučováním mám zkušenosti jak u spolužáků, tak i u neteře, která je nyní ve 2. třídě. Nejraději doučuji český jazyk a matematiku. Na...

Markéta Z.
Markéta Z.
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Zdravím, mám vystudovanou střední školu s maturitou v oboru masér sportovní a rekondiční. Doučuji anglický jazyk, ale zvládnu i češtinu nebo lékařské předměty

Jan P.
Jan P.
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I am a high school student with a passion for mathematics and I would be happy to help you or your children master the subject from basic arithmetic operations to analytical geo...

Karolína H.
Karolína H.
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Nemám zatím zkušenost s domácím doučováním, ale studuji obor Učitelství pro 1. stupeň ZŠ, kde vyučuji několik hodin. Zároveň docházím do dětské skupinky (MŠ). Snažím se na dítě ...

Zuzana S.
Zuzana S.
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I tutor English and Czech. I specializate mainly on work with sudents from primary schools or I focus on their prepration for Gymnazium entry exams in Czech language. In case of...

Kateřina G.
Kateřina G.
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Hello everyone! • My name is Kate. • I’m teaching English and Czech to the 9 th grade. • I respect the child's pace and needs. • There are many ways how to explain everythi...

Petr B.
Petr B.
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taught high school English, economics and fundamentals of philosophy for two years. I tutored my sons in various elementary school subjects. I also taught English in companies....

Michaela B.
Michaela B.
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I have experience tutoring primary school children, including gifted ones and those with special educational needs. I am currently studying for a degree in Special Education at ...

Pavlína R.
Pavlína R.
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V rámci své doučovací praxe pomáhám především dětem na 1. stupni ZŠ s celkovou domácí přípravou do školy. Cíleně jsem pak doučovala angličtinu, češtinu a matematiku (vč. příprav...

Andrea C.
Andrea C.
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Hi! I’m a student at the University of Economics in Prague and a graduate of Pierre de Coubertin Grammar School, where I graduated in math, Czech, English, art, and social scien...

Petra P.
Petra P.
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My name is Petra, I am studying a master's program at CTU and I have been tutoring since I was 15 years old. I specialize primarily in teaching mathematics and the Czech languag...

Radka W.
Radka W.
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Jsem všeobecně studijně zaměřená, myslím, že téměř všechny předměty zvládám na stejné úrovni. Pomáhám i s psaním slohových a seminárních prací, nehledě na rozsah. Mám získané ...

Petra D.
Petra D.
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- Bank iD Verification
I specialize in teaching Czech as a foreign language and am also a coach of the logical game International Draughts (MF, participant in the WCh., author of methodologies for the...

Momentálně mám poměrně volnou kapacitu.