Tutoring Svatý Jan nad Malší
Found 60 tutors
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Lucie V.
Lucie V.
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- Bank iD Verification
I have been dealing with English for many years. I do teaching and text translation. I have been teaching it the way to understand English imagination and how it works. It is n...
Zuzana K.
Zuzana K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I am able to tech English(kids and grownups alike), Mathematics(Elementary school), but there is no issue with teaching other subjects if the kid has at least some of their own ...
Klára H.
Klára H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I graduated from gymnasium and now I study on Faculty of education on Jihočeská univerzita in České Budějovice, specialization on primary school education. I have experience in ...
Karolína W.
Karolína W.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience with tutoring english, I specialize in tutoring conversation. I like to work with pictures and topics that are fimiliar to the student. I really like english. ...
Bára B.
Bára B.
- Document verified
I have experience of English and German tutoring. I can help with homework or explain the materials, that was not understood. We can focus on pronunciation or another problem. I...
Amálie J.
Amálie J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Hi I am studying at uni, I study programming and management, so I have positive realtionship with math and informatics, but I am not an expert, but with primary school I would n...
Lucie B.
Lucie B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I'm a university student of education, so I have some experience with tutoring. I have tutored several subjects, but mainly Czech language and mathematics. My qualifications at ...
Kristýna K.
Kristýna K.
- Document verified
I am a student of the University of South Bohemia. I have 4 years of experience in primary schools. I can help you with Czech language, mathematics, English and other subjects. ...
Barbora S.
Barbora S.
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- Bank iD Verification
Ahoj, já jsem Bára a jsem absolventkou Gymnázia Příbram. Nastoupila na Jihočeskou univerzitu na obor učitelství biologie a geografie pro SŠ. Mám za sebou už i první praxe na gym...
Sabina M.
Sabina M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Hello, I have little experience with tutoring. I am studying the last year of primary school and there is no problem for me in tutoring materials from primary school or secondar...
Tereza K.
Tereza K.
- Document verified
Mám zkušenosti s doučováním angličtiny, češtiny a matematiky. Přizpůsobuji se potřebám a tempu učení studenta. Nejlépe vše pro základní školy (i přijímací zkoušky na SŠ z češtin...
Anna K.
Anna K.
- Document verified
I don't yet have much experience in tutoring younger children, I have only tutored a few friends and classmates, whom I helped prepare for the B2 matriculation exam (I myself am...
Veronika Z.
Veronika Z.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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Mám zkušenosti s doučováním. Lépe se mi doučuje 1. stupeň ZŠ, jelikož teď nyní studuji. S 2. stupněm se ráda popasuji, bude-li potřeba.
Kateřina B.
Kateřina B.
Momentálně studuji učitelství pro druhý stupeň ZŠ obor matematika a přírodopis. Zkušenosti mám, ale i s doučováním učiva na SŠ. Přednost bych však dala základním školám.
Pavla I.
Pavla I.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Dobrý den, jmenuji se Pavla a studuji čtvrtým rokem pedagogickou fakultu. Mám bohaté zkušenosti s doučováním. Specializuji se spíše na první stupeň, ale český jazyk doučuji i n...
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