Tutoring Předboj
Found 20 tutors
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Marie K.
Marie K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Hello! I am a fresh university student, and during my high school years, I tutored a few younger classmates in Czech, English, and Italian. I have experience not only with child...

Michaela O.
Michaela O.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I myself spend over half a year studying in the USA after that I got a certificate C1. I loved English from very young age and I could converse with your child just in English i...

Arlo B.
Arlo B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I have experience tutoring a boy in 5th, then 6th grade, all subjects. It was mostly about helping him with his homework, but I explained the schoolwork to him, too. My special...

Antonie T.
Antonie T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
My name is Antonie Tesařová, and I have been tutoring for two years. Currently, I am helping two Vietnamese students, one of whom I am preparing for entrance exams. I tutor chil...

Terezie W.
Terezie W.
- Document verified
I offer tutoring in Czech and English for children in preschool and elementary school. Czech is my native language, so I have an excellent command of it, including grammar and s...

Laura J.
Laura J.
- Document verified
I can tutor English and German – I am fluent in both languages and I really enjoy teaching. I have experience working with young children, as I teach English to first graders. I...

Andrea P.
Andrea P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I have experience teaching English in a kids club (kids from 3 to 6 y.o.). I'm currently at university studying psychology. I'm able to teach Czech or English, eventually elemen...

Tereza D.
Tereza D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am a student at CTU, studying Economics and Management. Before that, I attended a general high school in Prague, which gave me a broad knowledge across many subjects. Althoug...

Karolína D.
Karolína D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Čeština je mým oblíbeným předmětem a mám k ní velmi kladný vztah. I když zatím nemám žádné zkušenosti s doučováním, ráda bych si je v budoucnu získala, protože se chci po střed...

Vivien P.
Vivien P.
Paní Vivien, ráda bych Vám poděkovala a pochválila váš profesionální a zároveň srdečný přístup k výuce angličtiny. Můj syn, který je citlivý a občas úzkostlivý, má díky Vám angl...

Denisa F.
Denisa F.
- Document verified
Žádné zkušenosti bohužel nemám ale občas jsem pomáhala bratranci s úkoly. Nedělá mi problém si připravit nějakou látku a probrat ji aby tomu dítě rozumnělo.

Denisa Š.
Denisa Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Zdravím, jmenuji se Denisa, je mi 22 let a tento rok jsem úspěšně dokončila bakalářské studium v oboru chovatelství zvířat. Na střední škole jsem se věnovala literatuře, což pos...

většinou mohu hlavně víkendy, ale podle školy zvládám i všední dny