Tutoring Borohrádek
Found 78 tutors
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Klára T.
Klára T.
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I have experience tutoring mathematics in elementary school. I also helped to prepare for the DT in mathematics. I am able to help with English and Czech language, as needed. I...

Valentina P.
Valentina P.
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Hello! I have a state exam in English at B2/C1 level, so I would be happy to pass on my knowledge of this language. I graduated in Spanish and so far I am maintaining my B1 leve...

Magdaléna W.
Magdaléna W.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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I have experience in tutoring czech language, but i can tutor also geography, which i graduated from. I am used to prepare something from last school year (as repetition). This ...

Kateřina S.
Kateřina S.
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I am a student at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Charles University in Hradec Králové. I live in Pardubice. I have been actively involved in tutoring since elementary school. I ...

Tereza B.
Tereza B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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Currently, I work as a teacher at a primary and a secondary school in Hradec Králové. I teach English and Civics. I teach both lower grades and upper graders.

Štěpán K.
Štěpán K.
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During my studies in Spain, I attended English and Spanish courses, which allowed me to enhance my language skills and gain valuable experience in an international environment. ...

Anna V.
Anna V.
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Momentálně studuji obor Logopedie na Pedagogické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. Mám však volný čas, který bych ráda smysluplně využila:) Proto nabízím doučování dětí a žáků ZŠ. Ze ...

Eva M.
Eva M.
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I have experience in math tutoring. I will be happy to help with any current student problem or prepare for entrance exams for secondary schools. Mathematics is key for me in ...

Ivana P.
Ivana P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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Welcome, I am a university student majoring in Laboratory Diagnostics and I enjoy helping others. So far my tutoring experience has only been with family and friends, but I love...

Eliška L.
Eliška L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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Hi, I am a student at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Charles University in Hradec Králové, so I can definitely help with explaining chemistry or biology. In addition, I can also ass...

Michala V.
Michala V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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I have experience in tutoring Czech language, but I can teach English B2 and Spanish for beginners. I sing for many years and play the piano.

Olga C.
Olga C.
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Hezký den, Mám zkušenosti s doučováním Českého jazyka a Biologie, ve kterém jsem měla sama na škole výborné výsledky. Přizpůsobuji se potřebám a tempu studenta.

Veronika J.
Veronika J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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Jmenuji se Veronika, jsem absolventkou střední pedagogické školy. Momentálně studuji na pedagogické fakultě. Mojí naplní studia byla pedagogika, psychologie a odborné praxe v rů...

Ester S.
Ester S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Jmenuji se Ester, je mi 19 let a právě mám po maturitě, studovala jsem gymnázium a pokračuji dále na VŠ(humanitní obor). Zkušenost mám s doučováním angličtiny. Jsem komunikativn...

Po - St … Liberec
Pá - So … Rychnov nad Kněžnou
Vše na domluvě.
A okolí.