- 23 years
- Vinohrady
- 3 users have already contacted her
- Activity 1 day ago
- Response time: 4 hours
- Gymnázium Dašická Pardubice, 1083
- Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Fakulta informatiky a statistiky, Obor Multimédia v ekonomické praxi
- Years of experience: 2
- Kindergarden
- Primary school
- High school
- Admission high school
- Admission primary school
- Individual general preparation
- At Student's Location

Barbora Š.
450 Kč/hour
- 23 years
- Covid-19 vaccine

Personal interview
more about Verification centers and verification processClean criminal record, ID archived
Verified education and certificates
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze - Multimédia v ekonomické praxi (bakalář), Certificate in Advanced English (C1, Cambridge English).

Verified e-mail and phone number
Verified address
Verified identity
Verified identity
Criminal Record
documented online · at the time of inspection not older than 3 months
With membership you will get access to the full detail of the verification
About me
My experience with tutoring has been mostly with close and distant family, or tutoring friends. My favourite subject at school was maths and later on physics joined it, I also graduated from both subjects. I could also tutor Czech and English in primary school, and I have a CAE certificate in English - level C1. Generally, no subject was a problem for me in primary school or 8-year high school, and I would be happy to get involved in preparing for high school entrance exams.
Calendar last updated before 11 days
Tutoring subjects

Special needs
Čeština, English, and Deutsch
Čeština - rodilý mluvčí - možnost doučování učiva na základní škole Angličtina - úroveň C1 (pokročilý) - možnost doučování učiva na základní škole Němčina - úroveň B1 (mírně pokročilý) - možnost doučování učiva na základní škole
Where babysit
Primary city: Praha 2 » Vinohrady
Where am I available too?: Pardubice I
přes týden jsem většinou v Praze a o víkendu v Pardubicích, ale při včasné domluvě je možné hlídání i v Praze o víkendu 😊
Reviews Hlídačky.cz
Barča pochází z Pardubic, nyní žije v...