Home senior care Praha-Velká Chuchle
Found 27
Find a sitter to help the seniors in Praha-Velká Chuchle. You can also view the ratings from ther users and the level of verification of the sitters.
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Shumira M.
60 Kč/hour
Shumira M.
60 Kč/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have taken care of seniors since an early age , I enjoyed taking care of my grandma went shopping for her and took her for walk, I expanded my care made sure she took her medi...

Miroslava N.
300 Kč/hour
Miroslava N.
300 Kč/hour
- Document verified
I have a lot of experinece taking care of elderly people. I took care of my grandma when she was ill and after that I have moved to England where I have lived for 13 years. The...

Markéta H.
250 Kč/hour
Markéta H.
250 Kč/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Jmenuji se Markéta a miluji práci s lidmi. Mám bohaté zkušenosti s vlastními rodiči a prarodiči. Také jsem pracovala v sociálních službách pro seniory. Ráda pomohu s péčí o vaš...

aktuálně volné termíny - viz můj kalendář.