Pet sitting Plzeň 2-Slovany
Found 128 pet sitters
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Viktorie T.
Viktorie T.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dear Pet Owners, I would like to offer you my services as a pet sitter. Animals are my passion, and I have a dog and a cat at home, so I fully understand what it takes to care ...

Andrea H.
Andrea H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Mé jméno je Andrea. Zvířátka mám moc ráda. Od malička jsem vyrůstala s pejskem, kočičkou a rybičkami. Mým koníčkem je sport, s mým pejskem (Border kolie) chodím na procházky a o...

Klára M.
Klára M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Vážení majitelé domácích mazlíčků, vítejte na mém profilu :). Pokud hledáte pomocníka nebo hlídače svého/svých miláčků, jste zde správně. Jmenuji se Klára, jsem studentka VŠ, je...

Šárka R.
Šárka R.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Hi, my name is Šárka and I have been living with pets since I was born. I have a lot of experience with dogs, but I can take care of cats, turtles, fish, etc. as well. For 10 ye...

Nelli P.
Nelli P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Dog and cat sitting, taking care of them - this is a great passion of mine, which has been with me since childhood. I grew up with four large St. Bernards and two small dogs: a ...

Katarína M.
Katarína M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear animal lovers, welcome to my profile! I offer pet sitting, feeding, walking, and many other services. I believe open communication is the key to ensuring your pet is cared ...

Viktorie H.
Viktorie H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name is Victoria, I have had a wonderful relationship with animals since childhood. I have been taking care of cats, dogs (both -small and large) and a chinchilla for years. ...

Michaela I.
Michaela I.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hi, welcome to my profile, I've loved animals since I was little, be it dogs, cats, rodents, horses and other pets. In my childhood, I mostly owned rodents, but we have several ...

Michaela S.
Michaela S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile. 😊 I have experience in looking after animals from chickens to cats and dogs. I grew up with different animals, we have a cat at home and ...

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