Pet sitting Brno-Královo Pole
Found 445 pet sitters
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Dominika S.
Dominika S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Hi! I'm 20 y.o. responsible girl with smile on my face. I'm animal lover since I was born. I also work with animals all my life. I have my own dog and take care about others dog...

Martina K.
Martina K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi, I’m newbie in Brno and I study and work here as a bartender. I love dogs and cats and i miss some furry friend here a lot that’s why im offering my help. I will gladly take ...

Barbora M.
Barbora M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I currently loive and study in Brno, but at home in Olomouc i have two year old dog named Monty - Entlebucher mountain dog, which I love to spend time and going for walkies with...

Karolína F.
Karolína F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear dog owners, Welcome to my profile. My name is Kája and I am currently studying at the Faculty of Social Studies in Brno. I am originally from Tábor, where I currently have ...

Vanda V.
Vanda V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Vážení majitelé mazlíčku, jmenuji se Vanda, je mi 19 let a studuji na vysoké škole v Brně. Doma mám pejska Zoey, o tu se starám už 7 let, bohužel kvůli škole, kterou mám daleko,...

Barbora Š.
Barbora Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Welcome to my profile! I have been drawn to animals since childhood and have always dreamed of having my own pet. Unfortunately, my mother suffers from allergies, so I will have...

Lukáš N.
Lukáš N.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
- Bank iD Verification
Ahoj, jsem mladý a zcela flexibilní invalidní důchodce, pocházím z venkova, kde máme hospodářství a psy i kočky jsme tam měli odjakživa, tudíž k nim mám velmi kladný vztah a rád...

Konstantinos P.
Konstantinos P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet owners and pet lovers. Im a second year student in the university of veterinary medicine of Brno. I have been pet sitting animals for a long time and i have plenty of e...

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