Pet sitting Praha 4
Found 637 pet sitters
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Petra M.
Petra M.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Milí pejskaři, ráda se postarám, vyvenčím Vaše čtyřnohé miláčky. Není problém i jiné mazlíčky, ale nejvíce zkušenosti mám právě se psy. Od dětství jsem byla mezi pejskama. Miluj...
Kristýna P.
Kristýna P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Vítejte na mém profilu! Jmenuji se Kristýna a jsem paničkou jedné fenky labradorského retrívra. S pejsky mám již bohatou zkušenost, jelikož jsem se narodila, když jsem měli v r...
Alexandra C.
Alexandra C.
- Document verified
Hi, my name is Alexandra and I have my own dog. He’s cross between the labrador and the pitbull. I’d like to take you dog out and do some entertaining activities with him, so he...
Kristýna S.
Kristýna S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
kristýna sumcová*2003 I've been living with a stubborn but charismatic whippet (GREYHOUND) for 11 years and I've loved dogs unconditionally my whole life, the WHIPPET is no lon...
Viktoriia F.
Viktoriia F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name is Vicky. I’m 24. I've had 2 chihuahuas , one Labrador, one cat and one rabbit. I love pets and would love to look after your furry best friend!
Kristýna K.
Kristýna K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile! I have experiences with animals from parakeets, guinea pigs, to dogs and cats. I had all kinds of animals since childhood and I always to...
Tereza P.
Tereza P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Drazí majitelé chlupatých kamarádů, chtěla bych Vám nabídnout venčení/krmení Vašich mazlíčků. Jelikož bydlím s dalšími lidmi v malém bytě, nemohu hlídat (i když bych velmi ráda...
Karolína K.
Karolína K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hello! I am a young girl who has a St. Bernard and a Cane Corso in her hometown. I have been taking care of dogs since I was 8 years old. St. Bernard trained me in resistance to...
Lucie L.
Lucie L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I grew up with dogs since I was little. When I stood on my own two feet, I got a Staffordshire terrier puppy named Aischa, who was my partner for almost 17 years. Since she le...
Amelie S.
Amelie S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dear pet owners, my name is Amelie, I study law, I live in Prague and I would be more than happy to spend my free time with your beloved pets. I was growing up with dogs (small...
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