Pet sitting Týnec nad Labem
Found 11 pet sitters
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Anna K.
Anna K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Are you looking for someone who will take care of your pet with the utmost care and attention? My name is Anna, and I have been caring for animals since childhood, including dog...

Kateřina T.
Kateřina T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am a lover of animals and I don’t mind to take care of any pet - dog, cat, hamster, guinea-pig, rabbit, rat,... I have experience with theese pets and i would like to look aft...

Veronika S.
Veronika S.
- Document verified
I love animals and I have a dog called Roxie .She is 7years old and I love her company and going for walks with her

Kateřina Š.
Kateřina Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dear pet owners, Welcome to my profile. They have been taking care of pets since childhood. We took care of dogs, cats and fish at home. I have small dog girl. I will be happy t...

Vendulka T.
Vendulka T.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dobrý den, nevadilo by mi pohlídat jakékoliv zvířátko. Vyrůstala jsem na farmě a tak vím po dojení až po chození na procházky. Doma jsme měly bojové plemena, bullteriéry a stafo...

Gabriela Ž.
Gabriela Ž.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Vážení, ráda bych Vám sdělila pár informací. V dětství jsem vyrůstala s pejskem, tudíž mi jsou zvířátka velmi blízká. V tuto chvíli vlastním pouze akvarijní rybičky, avšak do bu...

Jasmína L.
Jasmína L.
- Video verification
Dear owners, I have been taking care of animals since I was a child with my grandparents, both chickens and rabbits. We currently have a female wolfhound crossed with a Rottweil...

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