Pet sitting Biskupice
Found 51 pet sitters
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Michaela G.
Michaela G.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Hello! My name is Michaela. In my childhood i had budgies, which i teached how to talk and to come to me when being said. Now i domt have any pet, because i travel a lot and ofc...
Gabriela K.
Gabriela K.
- Document verified
Dear animal pets owner. I am a student. I have some experience in pet sitting like cats, dogs, rodents or reptiles. I looked after a cat of my mum's colage for 3 years. I wanted...
Michaela F.
Michaela F.
- Document verified
Hello! I have had a close relationship with dogs (and cats) since I was a child. In the past, my sister and I ran a successful dog daycare and hotel called Psí školka u Filípka,...
Barbora D.
Barbora D.
- Document verified
Welcome to my profile. I have experience with dogs. I have 11 years old female golden retriever. I also have fish and hamster. And outside we have birds like parakeet and zebra ...
Kateřina K.
Kateřina K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dobrý den, vítejte na mém profilu. Od malička jsem měla různé domácí mazlíčky - začlo to křečky, přes pískomila, rybičky až po pejska. Měla jsem Briardku, která mi před pár lety...
Elizabeth P.
Elizabeth P.
- Document verified
Ahoj! Již od malinka se starám o kočky a psy. Také mám chovatelskou stanici britských kočiček. Moc ráda Vám pohlídám jakékoliv zvířátko. Budu se těšit 😻
Sára H.
Sára H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Zdravím, vítam vás na mém profilu :) O domácí mazlíčky se starám od dětství. V průběhu let jsem se starala o potkánky, křečky, rybičky a pejsky. V současné době bohužel nemám žá...
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