Pet sitting Rohatec
Found 32 pet sitters
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Barbora T.
Barbora T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Welcome to my profile. My name is Bara, I'm a student and I've been surrounded by animals since I was little. I have the most experience with cats because I have one at home. ...

Nikol L.
Nikol L.
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Welcome to my profile and have a nice day! My name is Nikol and I have a lot to offer. Everything can be agreed. I offer dogsitting at home. I live in a house with a fenced gar...

Natálie I.
Natálie I.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello, my name is Natalia. I have finished my high school graduation and my steps are heading towards the czech army as a dog handler. I have a lot of experience with animals. S...

Hana B.
Hana B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Ahoj🌸 Se zvířátky mám zkušenosti. Ať jde i o kočky,papoušky,křečky atd.Mám holčičku pomeraniana(Minnie 2 roky🌸),která je zvyklá na pejsky. Případné hlídání přes u noc u nás dom...

Pavlína N.
Pavlína N.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hi there! So since I love animals so much and i’m proud owner of two cats and one dog, before i had many more like rabbits, hamster atc.. I decided to create this account. I bel...

Natálie N.
Natálie N.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I was around dogs of all sizes since i was little, from rottweilers to small shih tzu dogs. I also have an argentina doggo mix at home alone with a french bulldog

Veronika V.
Veronika V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello, my name is Veronika, I am 19 years old and a student in the high school graduation year in Strážnice. Furthermore, I would like to continue my studies and I would like to...

Gabriela H.
Gabriela H.
Jsem milovník zvířat, zkušenosti mám v podstartě s jakýmkoli zvířetem. Se zvířaty jsem už od malička a vašemu mazlíčku dám stejnou péči jako tomu mému. káždé zvíře je pro mě mil...

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