- 23 years
- Luhačovice
- 80 users have already contacted her
- Booked repeatedly
- Activity about 1 month ago
- Gymnázium
- Mendelova univerzita, AF, Chemie a technologie potravin
- Overnight stay at dogs (cats...) home
- Visit & play
- Dog walking
- Small (up to 5kg)
- Medium (up to 25kg)
- Big (up to 40kg)
- Giant (over 40kg)
- Junior
- Adult
- Senior

Adéla M.
100 Kč/hour
- (2)
- 23 years
About me
My name is Adéla and I study Chemistry and food technology at Mendel university in Brno. I love animals since I was born, that is the reason why I decided to be a vegetarian. I have a dog Bertík, which live in my parents house, when he was younger I attended training course with him, he is typical stubborn schanuzer, so I have some experiences with training these dogs. I love walks with dogs, with Bertík I sometimes go for a 20 km long hike through the mountains. Sometimes I visit a shelter for a dogs, where I help with walks with dogs, without volunteers as me, they would have no chance to go outside their cages.
Since I was 10 years old I do horse-riding, so I have lot of experiences with care about these animals, and usually in stables are dogs and cats too, so I am use to care about them too. We have sheeps, hens, ducks and cats at home so I help with a care about them a lot. I am interested in hippotherapy and canistherapy.
From monday to friday, when I am in Brno, I live in the student dormitory, so unfortunatelly, I can´t look after your pet in my home, but I have no problem with looking after them in your house. I believe there are no differences between animals, so I love all of them and I can look after different type of pets :)
What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet
Do your dog get well with other dogs?
Have your dog some health complications?
Is he agressive/shy?
Some other special needs?
Většinou můžu čtvrtek a pátek :)
Current calendar is not availaible
Čeština and English
Plynule mluvím anglicky, mám základy němčiny a učím se rusky.
Where care:
Primary city: Zlínský » Luhačovice, Zlínský kraj » Luhačovice
Where am I available too?: Zlín, Zlínský kraj
Bydlím ve Zlíně
David D.29/10/2020Babysitting - via this platform
Velká pochvala hlídačce Adélce, je spolehlivá a rozumí si i s uplně malými dětmi. S naším synem Lumírem (18 měcíců) tráví čas aktivně, pravidelně chodí na procházky a dětská hřiště. Hned během prvních pár návštěv si na sebe zvykli a Lumír se vždy vrací spokojen :)
Monika P.20/03/2019Babysitting - via this platform
Adélka je skvělá slečna, která je velmi ochotná a milá. Domluva bezproblémová, reaguje hned. Hlídání proběhlo zatím dvakrát a dcerka (15 mesíců) byla naprosto spokojená. Adélka u nás dochází pravidelně i na úklid domácnosti a i tady musím napsat jen samou chválu. Skvělá spolupráce!