- 23 years
- Brno-Královo Pole
- 1 user has already contacted her
- Activity about 3 hours ago
- Response time: 30 minutes
- Gymnázium
- VOŠ Merhautova, zubní technik
- Making a company, talking, playing games, etc.
- Diabetes
- Food preparation
- Accompanying to the doctor

Anežka Š.
280 Kč/hour
- 23 years
- Covid-19 vaccine

Personal interview
more about Verification centers and verification processClean criminal record, ID archived
Verified education and certificates
VOŠ zdravotnická na Merhautově

Verified e-mail and phone number
Verified address
Verified identity
Verified identity
Criminal Record
documented online · at the time of inspection not older than 3 months
With membership you will get access to the full detail of the verification
About me
My name is Anežka, I am 23 years old, and I would like to help you take care of your loved ones. I am a third-year student at a higher vocational school, specializing in dental technology. I have experience in caring for elderly people, especially my grandparents, with whom I enjoy spending time. I am empathetic, patient, friendly, and reliable. I enjoy chatting, playing board games, and going for walks. I can help with household chores, shopping, errands, pets, or anything else that might be needed. I believe that every senior deserves individual attention and care.
I am flexible and able to quickly adapt to the needs of your loved ones. I have had a driver's license for 5 years and am an active driver with my own car. I am happy to help you both occasionally and regularly. Everything is negotiable.
I look forward to meeting you and your loved ones!
Price List:
1-3 hours – 280 CZK/hour
4-6 hours – 250 CZK/hour
7 or more hours – 230 CZK/hour
Díky studiu vám mohu být k dispozici převážně v odpoledních hodinách, nejčastěji od 15h. Výjimkou jsou úterky, ty nemohu vůbec.
Current calendar is not availaible
Moje úroveň anglického jazyka je B2, nemám problém vést konverzaci nebo doučovat základy.
Reviews Hlídačky.cz
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