- 46 years
- Skuteč
- 10 users have already contacted her
- Activity 30 days ago
- SZŠ Hradec Králové
- Evidence of education
- Making a company, talking, playing games, etc.
- Alzheimer's disease
- Parkinson's disease
- Diabetes
- Dementia
- Mobility problems
- Help with hygiene
- Food preparation
- Accompanying to the doctor

Martina K.
200 Kč/hour
- (1)
- 46 years
- Covid-19 vaccine

Verified e-mail and phone number
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
check against duplicate registrations · validation date verification
With membership you will get access to the full detail of the verification
About me
Jmenuji se Martina,18 let pracuji ve zdrav. a soc. Službách v domě s pečovatelskou službou. Mé poslání je starat se a práce je mým koníčkem. Mám 2děti a 3letou vnučku.
Jazyk jen Český
Care under the Social Services Law
I also provide services under the Social Services Law (z.č.108/2006 Sb.
Download the document
Hlídačky.cz do not check that the document entitles the sitter to provide social services under Law No z.č.108/2006 Sb.
Zuzka P.19/06/2023Cleaning
Dobrá a rychlá domluva a s prací zatím naprostá spokojenost.