Find a babysitter with overnight care in Vlčková
Found 15 sitters
Are you looking for a sitter who will look after your children not only during the day, but also during the night? Discover the world of night babysitting at Hlídač Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters who will take care of your children overnight in Vlčková.
Markéta Z.
Markéta Z.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear mothers, I salute you! After I myself found out how desperate the situation is in children's groups in Zlín (because I myself am a mother of two boys), I decided to start o...

Nikola Č.
Nikola Č.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
My name is Nikola. I’ve finished my Grammar school and currently I am studying Biology and Chemistry. So far, I only have experience with babysitting children in my family (sist...

Melanie D.
Melanie D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am the oldest sister of 4 siblings, which has given me some experience. The siblings are twins, a boy and a girl who are 8 years younger and a brother who is 7 years younger. ...

Michaela R.
Michaela R.
- Document verified
Jmenuji se Michaela, mám 21 let a vystudovala jsem střední pedagogickou školu, obor předškolní a mimoškolní pedagogika. Nadále tenhle obor studii na Univerzitě Tomáše Bati. S dě...

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