Find a babysitter with overnight care in Olešnice
Found 130 sitters
Are you looking for a sitter who will look after your children not only during the day, but also during the night? Discover the world of night babysitting at Hlídač Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters who will take care of your children overnight in Olešnice.
Daniela D.
Daniela D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name is Daniela, and I'm a student. I study pedagogic at high school in Hradec Králové. I get on well with all kids, but the most I like small kids under age of 4. I was on m...
Kateřina Š.
Kateřina Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I graduated from the School of Security and Legal Activities - Rescue, finished with a high school diploma. I am currently working for the fourth year as a winter sports teacher...
Michala V.
Michala V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I graduated from the grammar school in Holice. Nowadays I study special education in Hradec Králové. I would like to gain some new experiences and learn more about working with ...
Kateřina P.
Kateřina P.
- Document verified
Dobrý den , jsem maminka na rodičovské s dvou letou dcerou . Uvítáme někoho dalšího na hraní . Rádi něco vyrábíme , pečeme dobroty a užíváme si pěkné chvilky .
Kateřina T.
Kateřina T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name is Kateřina. I was studying at the university, field is art education for helping professions (faculty of education). I live children and animals. I was volunteering in ...
Kristýna T.
Kristýna T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Vystudovala jsem pedagogickou školu. Pracuji na základní škole jako vychovatelka a učitelka. Jsem maminkou dvou holčiček. S dětmi ráda tvořím zajímavé výrobky, hraji hry přiměře...
Je to o domluvě :) po-pá od 8-17:00 jsem většinou vytížená. Ale napište a třeba to nějak vymyslíme :)