Babysitter who will practice English with your children in Cítov
Found 42 sitters
Looking for an English speaking babysitter? Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters with English who will not only look after your children in Cítov, but also practice English together in a fun way.

Veronika M.
Veronika M.
My name is Veronika, currently I'm on maternity leave with my 2 year old daughter. I studied Waldorf lyceum in Prague and after finishing school I worked at an English kinderga...

Kristýna F.
Kristýna F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello. My máme is Kristýna and I study on secondary school. In my free time I usually went out with my dog, I went out with Family and friends. I love kids, when I can spend wit...

Gabriela M.
Gabriela M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
My name is Gabi, I graduated at the Secondary Industrial School of Clothing, where I graduated from the field of fashion design. I am currently studying Drawing and Illustration...

Kateřina P.
Kateřina P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Ahoj, aktuálně jsem na rodičovské dovolené od Listopadu 2022, pokud by nevadilo, že hlídám většinou s mým synem tak se ozvěte, prosím zatím jen Kokořín. Zkušenosti mám z hlídání...

Hlavně ve všední dny přes den, dle domluvy.