Cleaning and babysitting lady in Líbeznice
Found 70 sitters
Are you looking for babysitting and cleaning in one? Discover the world of babysitting and cleaning at Hlídač Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters in Líbeznice who will not only look after your children, but also clean up at the same time. And it pays off!
Michaela M.
Michaela M.
S hlídáním zkušenosti mám:) pravidelně jsem hlídala 2 kluky (4 a 7 let) a také 4 letou holčičku. Dále jsem 15 let součástí turistického oddílu, pořádáme výlety a tábory..z toho ...
Kateřina H.
Kateřina H.
Dear parents, I am a nurse, a teacher with a wide range of experience and an experienced caregiver for all the needs of your children from 0 to teens. I also worked in maternity...
Barbora B.
Barbora B.
My name is Bára, I am 26 years old. I was studying high school in the field social work and actually I study Academy of Social Pedagogy and Theology - the field pedagogy. I wor...
Kateřina H.
Kateřina H.
Hi, my name’s Kate and I’m 19 I’m student of pedagogical school. I study how to teach children. I really like this school and I hope that I’ll become a teacher after my graduat...
Natálie L.
Natálie L.
Mám ukončenou maturitu v roce 2018, studovala jsem na vyšší odborné škole, ale teď jsem studium ukončia a připravuji se na přijímačky na vysokou školu, obor psychologie. Jsem mi...