Babysitting Praha 1
Found 738 sitters
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Michaela T.
Michaela T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Dobrý den, mé jméno je Michaela a studuji na Karlově univerzitě. Co se týká zkušeností s hlídáním dětí, tak jsem 3 roky hlídala sourozence v jedné rodině, každý rok jezdím na dě...
Karolína P.
Karolína P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name is Karolína and I graduated from a general gymnasium. I am currently studying at Charles University, majoring in the 1st grade of elementary school. I have been working ...
Michaela K.
Michaela K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello, my name is Michaela. I’m 20 years old and I am currently studying higher education in Prague within pedagogy terms. In my free time I like doing any sport, such as runnin...
Liudmyla B.
Liudmyla B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
She graduated from the Polytechnic College and received a technical education. In her country, she devoted herself to work in the financial industry for more than 20 years. She...
Kateřina K.
Kateřina K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I love children and spending time with them. I have experienced babysitting of children from newborn to adolescents while living as an au-pair in Ireland and babysitting kids i...
Vendula H.
Vendula H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
My name is Vendula and I graduated from the High Medical School in Kolín. I want to continue to College. I have a great relationship with children. I looked after a few times, f...
Kristýna H.
Kristýna H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
Jmenuji se Kristýna. K hlídání dětí a vytváření programů pro ně jsem se poprvé dostala jako vedoucí na menším táboře, kde bylo 20-25 dětí mezi 3-13 lety. V témže období jsem obč...
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