- 3 years experience with babysitting
- 20 years
- Hradec Králové
- She has already been contacted by 31 parents
- Booked repeatedly
- Activity 2 months ago
- Gymnázium Oty Pavla
- Univerzita Hradce Králové
- prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
- I have a place for babysitting
- I babysit at parents' place
- she can babysit 2 kids
- Travel for Vacations
- Overnights

Magdaléna K.
250 Kč/hour
- 20 years
- 3 years experience with babysitting
- Covid-19 vaccine
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
check against duplicate registrations · validation date verification
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About me
Hi everyone!
My name is Madie and I am 20.
I studied at the Ota Pavel's gymnasium in Prague 5. After graduation, I decided to continue my studies at the University of Hradec Králové, where I will focus on pre-school pedagogy.
I've been going to camps since I was a kid and at 15 I started working as an intern. I enjoy working with children, I can come up with fun for them and we always enjoy our time together.
In my free time I also devote myself to music - I play the piano (I learned in ZUŠ Zbraslav for 10 years), the guitar for 6 years and I have been singing for over 15 years (I am a member of a few choirs). I also like sports - volleyball, cycling, horseback riding or just ordinary trips to nature :).
Although it may seem that I am young and inexperienced, I am not afraid to take on work, I approach my duties responsibly and I always try to be the best! :)
Have a nice time!
Ve všední dny, záleží na mém VŠ rozvrhu.
O víkendech jsem většinou v Hradci, nepravidelně navštěvuji i Prahu, kde se vyskytuji hlavně v centru v okolí OC Nový Smíchov.
Current calendar is not availaible
General Experience

1 year

2 years

3 years

4 years

4 years
Skills and Hobbies
Singing/playing musical instrument, Dance/physical activity, and Sport
Hra na kytaru, hra na klavír
Čeština, English, French, and Russian
Angličtina B2 Francouzština B1 (pasivní) Ruština na úrovni začátečníka
Certifikát taborového vedoucího
Where babysit
Primary city: Královéhradecký » Hradec Králové, Královéhradecký kraj » Hradec Králové
Where am I available too?: Praha 5
Momentálně studuji na Univerzitě Hradce Králové (PdF obor Předškolní pedagogika), pohybuji se v centru, ale jsem ochotna dojet v rámci města. O víkendech se občas vracím i do Prahy.