  • 5 years experience with babysitting
  • 22 years
  • Praha 6
  • She has already been contacted by 7 parents
  • Activity 1 day ago
  • Response time: 11 hours
  •  Waldorfská základní a střední škola, p.o.
  •  Univerzita Karlova
  • First Aid Certificate
  •  prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
  •  I babysit at parents' place
  •  I can take kids by car
  •  she can babysit 4 kids
  •   Birthday parties and other
  •   Travel for Vacations
  •   Overnights
  •   Groups of kids

Eliška A.

250 Kč/hour

  • 22 years
  • 5 years experience with babysitting

She passed document verification (ID or DL)

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About me

My name is Eliška and I have been studying Hispanic studies (Spanish language and literature) for one year at Charles University. Next year I will study psychology at university, because I enjoy working with people and I like to help them.
I have many years of experience working with children. I am also inclined to babysit in English because I come from a bilingual family. I have been close to children since childhood. My experience with children:

* I started working with children at the age of 14 - in 2016-2018 I helped at English suburban camps (children aged 3-5 years) and I was also an intern at a children's summer English camp in 2016-2020.
* In the years 2017-2019, I babysat a boy aged 3 to 5 once or twice a week after school.
* Furthermore, in the years 2015-2018 I helped at scout summer camps and weekend events - children aged 5-11 years.
* In 2021 I participated in a one-month social internship (as part of the Erasmus+ program) in Ireland where I worked with children in kindergarten aged 3-4 and with children aged 6-10.
* In 2021 I did an internship for one month with children with autism spectrum disorders in an early care center.
* Furthermore, in the summer 2023 I went to Spain as an au-pair for a month where I worked with children aged 9 to 13. I primarily spoke with the children in English, only when they didn't understand me we spoke in Spanish. I really enjoyed this work experience. The environment in the family was very pleasant and I especially enjoyed the time spent with the children.
* My most current work experience was last year (2022-2023) at a language school, where I conducted individual English lessons for children aged 9 to 13.

I really like working with children - I like to play with them, go out with them or invent new activities together with them - to develop their abilities or just for fun. I like to be drawn into their world, which is full of fantasy.


Mám volné středy, pátky a víkendy, ostatní dny v týdnu můžu večer.

Current calendar is not availaible

General Experience


no experience


2 years


5 years


5 years


2 years

Special Experience

Autism Spectrum Disorder, Food Allergies, and Special needs

Mám zkušenost s dětmi s celiakií, potřebou pomáhat s přípravou do školy a vysvětlením učiva, také jsem dělala praxe v centru rané péče s dětmi s poruchami autistického spektra.

Skills and Hobbies

Singing/playing musical instrument, Dance/physical activity, and Sport

Hraji na housle a na kytaru, ráda zpívám, mám ráda kreativní aktivity jako malování, kreslení, vytváření v podstatě čehokoliv, věnuji se rekreačně mnoha sportům - běh, bruslení, cyklistika, běžkování, snowboarding, yoga, ráda trávím čas v přírodě


Čeština, English, Deutsch, and Spanish

Cizí jazyky se obecně ráda učím. Angličtinu mám na úrovni C1 (certifikát CAE), němčinu a španělštinu poté na úrovni B1. Rok jsem učila angličtinu v jazykové škola Swallow School of English (v Liberci). Pokud by byl zájem o hlídání dětí i s doučováním angličtiny, tak jsem tomu určitě nakloněna.


Mám certifikát CAE (úroveň angličtiny C1), dále dokument k dokončené praxi s dětmi s poruchami autistického spektra z rané péče, certifikát z přípravného kurzu pro studium psychologie


Where babysit

Primary city: Praha » Praha 6 » Praha 6