- 19 years experience with babysitting
- 47 years
- Pardubice I
- She has already been contacted by 9 parents
- Activity 5 days ago
- SPŠStavební
- prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
- she can babysit 4 kids
Malenka K.
200 Kč/hour
- (1)
- 47 years
- 19 years experience with babysitting
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
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Verified identity
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About me
My name is Malenka. My experience with children begins with the fact that I am a mother of three children, along with my children, I also looked after the children of other mothers. I am currently looking after a one-year-old boy.
General Experience
no experience
no experience
no experience
no experience
no experience
Čeština, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, and Slovak
Hallo, I want to take help to old people.
Care under the Social Services Law
I also provide services under the Social Services Law (z.č.108/2006 Sb.
Download the document
Hlídačky.cz do not check that the document entitles the sitter to provide social services under Law No z.č.108/2006 Sb.
Ivana K.16/02/2024Senior care
Malenka mi pomáhá s péčí o maminku. Maminka má omezenou pohyblivost, velmi oslabenou motoriku. Pomáhá mamince s oblečením, chodí na procházky, společně dělají hry na procvičování paměti, úkoly pro seniory. S maminkou má trpělivost. Komunikace velmi dobrá. S paní Malenkou naprostá spokojenost jak ze strany maminky, tak z mojí strany.