  • 9 years experience with babysitting
  • 25 years
  • Vinohrady
  • She has already been contacted by 17 parents
  • Activity 3 days ago
  •  Gymnázium Mozartova, Pardubice
  •  Univerzita Karlova, 3. lékařská fakulta, všeobecné lékařství, molekulární biologie a biochemie, Reprodukční a vývojová biologie
  •  prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
  •  I babysit at parents' place
  •  I have a car
  •  she can babysit 3 kids
  •   Birthday parties and other
  •   Travel for Vacations
  •   Overnights
  •   Groups of kids

Adéla Š.

300 Kč/hour

  • 25 years
  • 9 years experience with babysitting
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Verified e-mail and phone number

She passed document verification (ID or DL)

check against duplicate registrations · validation date verification

Verified identity

Criminal Record

documented online · at the time of inspection not older than 3 months

you will get access to the full detail of the verification

About me

Dear parents, my name is Adéla, I am 25 years old and I am currently a student of medicine at the 3rd Faculty of Medicine and also of developmental biology at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. I have 2 younger siblings, nieces and nephews that I like to take care of. I am no stranger to working with children and it makes me happy. For several years I have been actively looking after children from babies to teenagers, and I also lead children's clubs and help at camps. For school children I am able to tutor them in school (for several years I have been tutoring in Prague in Czech, English and mathematics for both lower and upper primary school children). I am happy to spend time outdoors with children, play games, develop fine motor skills through art or sports. My aim is to provide a safe and respectful environment for the children to feel comfortable in. In my spare time I do yoga, dance, sing, play the piano or ukulele, spend time in the gym and also like to sleep. But most of all I love spending time with my beloved family and kids 🤍.


většinou můžu ve všední dny odpoledne a večer

Calendar last updated before 20 days

General Experience


2 years


4 years


8 years


8 years


8 years

Skills and Hobbies

Singing/playing musical instrument, Drawing, painting, Dance/physical activity, and Sport

hra na klavír, na ukulele, zpěv, tanec, kreslení malování, výtvarka, sporty, jóga


Čeština and English

Angličtina C1, Němčina, španělština základy


Certifikát mimoškolní pedagogiky pro volnočasové aktivity - Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání Kurz jógy pro děti, akreditace MŠMT Certifikát s akreditací MŠMT osobní/fitness trenér

Where babysit

Primary city: Praha 2 » Vinohrady

Where am I available too?: Pardubice I

Přes týden bývám v Praze, o víkendech v Pardubicích