- 8 years experience with babysitting
- 30 years
- Tábor
- She has already been contacted by 88 parents
- Activity 3 months ago
- Gymnázium Rumburk
- VŠCHT Praha, FCHT, magisterský obor Výroba léčiv
- First Aid Certificate
- prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
- I have a place for babysitting
- I babysit at parents' place
- I have a car
- I can take kids by car
- she can babysit 1 kids
- Birthday parties and other
- Travel for Vacations
- Overnights

Veronika J.
200 Kč/hour
- (1)
- 30 years
- 8 years experience with babysitting
- Covid-19 vaccine

Verified e-mail and phone number
Verified address
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About me
my name is Veronika, I´m currently working as a Clinical Research Associate in a company located in Prague 8 - Karlín.
I have extensive experiences with children. I started as an au-pair in Scotland. I took care of a half year old boy (from 0,5-1 year old). I taught him how to crawl and later walk, speak and eat solid food. I took care of him about 15 hours per day 6 days a week.
After my return I´ve been taking care of two boys from two different families.
The first one I´ve started to baby-sit when he was about 3/4 years old. During my university time I was able to baby-sit for the whole day which meant entertainment, feeding, hygiene, and lulling to sleep. Currently I baby-sit ad-hoc because of my full time job.
Jsem maminka na materske dovolene. Nejvice casu a energie chci dat svemu synovi. Dalsi deti si peclive vybiram.
Current calendar is not availaible
General Experience

4 years

3 years

2 years

4 years

1 year
Special Experience
Care for Sick Children and Food Allergies
Péče o nemluvně s poruchou srdce, podávání léků apod.
Skills and Hobbies
Singing/playing musical instrument, Dance/physical activity, and Sport
Umím hrát na klavír a flétnu, učím se na kytaru.
Čeština, English, and Deutsch
Anglicky mluvím každý den, bez problémů plynule, rozumím jako česky. V němčině už bych měla trochu problém, dlouho jsem nemluvila, ale většinou se rozmluvím rychle (učila jsem se asi 12 let ve škole a měli jsme i rodilého mluvčího).
Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)
Where babysit
Primary city: Jihočeský » Tábor, Jihočeský kraj » Tábor
Where am I available too?: Krásná Lípa, Ústecký kraj
Bydlim v Tabore, prilezitostne Krasna Lipa.
Anna B.11/12/2021Cleaning
Slečna nám pomohla s mytím oken. Byla opravdu pečlivá a nevynechala ani místo. A i přesto, že je prosinec. Opravdu skvělá práce, Veroniku mohu všem jen doporučit. Děkujeme! :-)