- 37 years
- Vinohrady
- 96 users have already contacted her
- Booked repeatedly
- Activity about 6 hours ago
- Response time: 11 hours
- Gymnázium, Mělník
- Univerzita Karlova, biologie, Praha
- First Aid Certificate
- ironing
- cleaning windows
- Car cleaning

Šárka R.
280 Kč/hour
- (4)
- 37 years

Personal interview
more about Verification centers and verification processClean criminal record, ID archived
Verified education and certificates
Univerzita Karlova, obor Biologie.

Verified e-mail and phone number
Verified identity
Criminal Record
documented online · at the time of inspection not older than 3 months
With membership you will get access to the full detail of the verification
Jana L.06/11/2024Cleaning
Se Šárkou byla příjemná, rychlá a spolehlivá domluva. Úklid samotný byl proveden v nadstandardní kvalitě - Šárka uklidila vše, co jí přišlo pod ruku, i ty věci, které mne samotnou nenapadly. Byla velmi pečlivá a přitom neuvěřitelně rychlá. Navíc má rada děti, takže jí ani nevadila asistence mých třech teroristů. Šárku tedy mohu vřele doporučit všem, kdo to potřebují dat doma do pucu. Je skvělá!
Petr F.07/02/2024Cleaning
Slečna je spolehlivá, s úklidem kanceláře jsme spokojeni.
Kristina B.01/02/2024Babysitting - via this platform
We couldn't be happier with how things have worked out with Šárka. We are first-time parents that were looking for a nanny for our three-month-old son, so we had very high standards and were honestly quite nervous as to whether we would find a nanny that's a good fit.
Šárka exceeded all of our expectations. It seems that our son loves spending time with her and we have a very high level of trust in her ability to watch him for several hours on end.
She was very quick to adapt to the requests that we made, she learned the particularities about our son quickly, and even tidies up and cleans when he's napping. Šárka was always on-time and brought beautiful energy to our home. I'm happy that my son gets to spend so much time around this kind of person.
You'd be lucky to have Šárka watch your child(ren). Highly recommended!
Daniela C.24/01/2024Cleaning
Slečna Šárka u nás byla kvůli žehlení. Práci vykonala perfektně, na všem jsme se na začátku domluvily. Je opravdu spolehlivá, precizní a velice sympatická.
About me
I have experiences with cleaning mainly in households of physically disabled clients. I also clean offices. I use all cleaning equipment, and detergents from clients. I work quickly and carefully.
Čeština and English
Aj B2
Osvědčení o získání profesní kvalifikace Chůva pro děti do zahájení povinné školní docházky.
Reviews Hlídačky.cz
Šárka pochází z Prahy. Na univerzitě ...