 Fotky z hlídání
  • 25 let
  • Anděl
  • Kontaktovalo ji už 9 uživatelů
  • Posílá fotky z hlídání mazlíčků
  • Aktivní před 10 dny
  • Odpovídá do: 1 den
  •  Gymnasium
  •  Czech University of Life Sciences
  •  Přenocování u mě doma
  •  Přenocování u psa (kočky...) doma
  •  Návštěva & hraní
  •  Venčení psů
  •  Přes den u mě
  •  Malý (do 5kg)
  •  Střední (do 25kg)
  •  Velký (do 40kg)
  •  Štěně
  •  Dospělý
  •  Senior
  •  Nevlastním kočku
  •  Nevlastním psa
  •  Nemám děti 0-5
  •  Nemám děti 6-12

Mara V.

200 Kč/h

600 Kč/den

  • 25 let
  • covid-19 vakcína

Prošla ověřením dokladu (OP nebo ŘP)

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O mně

Hello, I am Mara and I can offer to take care of your pet at my or your place. I have experience with cats and dogs as well as chinchillas and bunnies. I can take care of your pets in my apartment and work from home so they are not alone. I don't have any pets of my own. If you need only occasional walk for your dog, you can also contact me. I also have experience with handling lizards and snakes, so it is also not a problem for me to take care of these little bit more exotic creatures.
Price depends on type of pet and how much care they need. Price per day is not the same for example for cats and dogs. Also it depends on number of hours or days I am taking care of your pet. We can agree on everything.

Co bych se ráda dozvěděla o opatrovaném psovi/mazlíčkovi

I have experience with all kind of pets and dogs. Write me what I need to know about yours, every pet is different :) Of course you will tell me what is your pet like, how many times a day to feed them and how. If it is a dog you can tell me how much activity they need and what is their favourite place for walk, do you go to dog park etc. All your instructions will be respected!


Mostly available whole week

Nemá aktuální kalendář


English C1 Croatian - native speaker

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