Home senior care Praha 2

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Alice H.

220 Kč/hour  PREMIUM
4 reviews
  • 39 years
  • Vinohrady

Alice H.

220 Kč/hour  PREMIUM
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Personally verified

I offer take care and social contact with your older family's member or in the case of health issues (after stay in the hospital etc.). I studied the Social Care ( the college)....

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Andrea H.

350 Kč/hour
7 reviews
  • 34 years
  • Praha 4

Andrea H.

350 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I have experience in caring for the elderly in homes, with household care, company, cleaning, escorting and everything that goes with it. I enjoy my work, it makes up for the g...

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Štěpán P.

300 Kč/hour
  • 23 years
  • Holešovice

Štěpán P.

300 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Personally verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Probably not your version of a caregiver :D I got into the elderly care completely by mistake, after dropping out of my studies in psychology and political science. I worked ...

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Barbora C.

200 Kč/hour
1 reviews
  • 22 years
  • Holešovice

Barbora C.

200 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Personally verified
  • Bank iD Verification

My name is Barbora, I'm 21 years old and I'm currently studying at Jabok College in Prague, special education and social services. I have taken care of the elderly a few times, ...

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Štěpánka T.

200 Kč/hour
1 reviews
  • 25 years
  • Nusle

Štěpánka T.

200 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

My name is Štěpánka and since I was 17 years old I lived with my grandmother and grandfather. With my experience, I can provide accompaniment to the doctor, assistance with shop...

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Barbora P.

200 Kč/hour
  • 25 years
  • Praha 5

Barbora P.

200 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

I do volunteer work with the elderly and currently work as an assistant for people with autism spectrum disorders, I also have experience with people with various psychological ...

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Adéla N.

200 Kč/hour  PREMIUM
1 reviews
  • 30 years
  • Vinohrady

Adéla N.

200 Kč/hour  PREMIUM
  • Video verification

Dobrý den, mám vystudovanou sociálně správní činnost, ale nikdy jsem se péči o seniory pracovně nevěnovala.Dobrovolně docházím už přes rok k invalidní paní ale pomáhám jí s péči...

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Renata S.

200 Kč/hour
  • 24 years
  • Nusle

Renata S.

200 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Personally verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Je mi 24 let, vystudovala jsem střední zdravotnickou školu a v současné době studuji na vysoké škole. 🎓 Denně pracuji převážně se seniory. Ráda si s Vámi popovídám, nakoupím, p...

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Barbora P.

180 Kč/hour
  • 25 years
  • Žižkov

Barbora P.

180 Kč/hour
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

I have been involved with seniors since I was young, when I often kept my grandmother and grandfather company, helping them in the house, in the garden or with shopping. I expa...

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Libuše H.

300 Kč/hour
19 reviews
  • 50 years
  • Flora

Libuše H.

300 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dobrý den, chtěla bych Vám nabídnout osobní asistenci a péči o vaše nejbližší. V případě vyššího úvazku je možná cena dohodou. Něco o mně: Narodila jsem se v Hradci Králové,...

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Iva R.

250 Kč/hour
1 reviews
  • 62 years
  • Žižkov

Iva R.

250 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Jmenuji se Iva, 62 let, původním povoláním učitelka (vysokoškolský obor český jazyk / výtvarná výchova). Pocházím z Moravy, trvale bydlíme Praha 3. Mým rodičůmje 87 let, jsem ma...

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Michal R.

220 Kč/hour
  • 41 years
  • Praha 3

Michal R.

220 Kč/hour
  • Video verification

Like everyone, we have grandparents that we take care of with love. We repay them for the care they gave us when we were little. I help with accompanying them to the doctor, wit...

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Jacgueline K.

260 Kč/hour
  • 50 years
  • Praha

Jacgueline K.

260 Kč/hour
  • Document verified

Im a 55year-old Czech woman who likes to help seniors who, for whatever reason, can not care for themselves and their household. I live in Prague 6 and I am mobile mainly in t...

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Anna T.

300 Kč/hour
  • 34 years
  • Vršovice

Anna T.

300 Kč/hour
  • Document verified

I can help with walking, grooming, cleaning, heart-to-heart talk and any other care, please contact me, I’ll be glad to help in any way I can

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Zuzana H.

200 Kč/hour
  • 24 years
  • Praha 4

Zuzana H.

200 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hello, My name is Zuzka, and I have a Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy from the First Faculty of Medicine at Charles University. Not only during my studies, I gained extens...

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