 Pet Sit Photos
1 reviews
  • 23 years
  • Brno-Královo Pole
  • 6 users have already contacted her
  • She sends photos from pet sitting.
  • Activity 7 days ago
  • Response time: 8 hours
  •  Gymnázium Františka Křižíka, Plzeň
  •  Veterinární univerzita, fakulta veterinárního lékařství
  •  Dog walking
  •  Small (up to 5kg)
  •  Medium (up to 25kg)
  •  Big (up to 40kg)
  •  Giant (over 40kg)
  •  Junior
  •  Adult
  •  Senior

Markéta S.

150 Kč/hour


  • (1)
  • 23 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

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Marie L.21/02/2024Pet care

Super aktivní venčení:-)

About me

Hi, my name is Markét, I’m 22 years old, I study veterinary medicine at the Veterinary university in Brno and I’m offering walking dogs🐶.
I’ve got rich experiences with dogs, I’ve been living with them since I was born and I can’t imagine a life without them.❤️
At home we’ve got german shepherds and I miss them a lot here in Brno, so I’m looking for a furry buddy I could go for walks with.😊 I would take him for a walk to the places that are Good for dogs🌳 (Lužánky park, Wilsonův les, Kraví hora, …) but If your dog is used to go to another places, I don’t have a problem to walk him there.😌 If wanted, I also offer a basic training of dogs.🐾

What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet

I’m offering walking dogs of all the sizes.


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Where care:

Primary city: Jihomoravský » Brno » Brno-Královo Pole » Brno-Královo Pole

Where am I available too?: Brno-Žabovřesky

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