Babysitter who will practice English with your children in Praha-Libuš

Found 67 sitters

Looking for an English speaking babysitter? Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters with English who will not only look after your children in Praha-Libuš, but also practice English together in a fun way.

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Barbora Š.

200 Kč/hour
  • 3 years experience
  • 19 years
  • Praha 4

Barbora Š.

200 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hello, my name is Barbora and I am 19 years old. I graduated from the Secondary Medical School, medical lyceum major. I am now a 1st-year student at the Faculty of Medicine of...

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Linda B.

160 Kč/hour
  • 1 year experience
  • 18 years
  • Praha 12

Linda B.

160 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

My name is Linda and i’m in my third year at secondary school. I used to train horseback riding so I’m used to work with kids. In summer I help at camps.

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Marie K.

250 Kč/hour
  • 7 years experience
  • 25 years
  • Praha 4

Marie K.

250 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Hi, my name is Mary. I am a governess in primary school for 7 years. I love my job with children. In my free time I'd like to read, go for walk, do sports, etc. I looked after k...

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Alena N.

400 Kč/hour
  • 10 years experience
  • 28 years
  • Praha 12

Alena N.

400 Kč/hour
  • Document verified

Celý svůj dosavadní život jsem obklopena dětmi. A jsem za to obrovsky vděčná, protože miluji tu jejich bezprostřednost, čistou upřímnost a radování se z maličkostí. Od doby, kdy...

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David M.

100 Kč/hour
  • 55 years
  • Chodov

David M.

100 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

55 years old married man, three adult sons, can help with accompanying children to school, to training, to football match, eventually to make a breakfast or snack, or possibly t...

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Josefa H.

250 Kč/hour
  • 8 years experience
  • 26 years
  • Praha 4

Josefa H.

250 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Ahoj! Je mi 26 let, studuji magisterské studium médií a komunikace na Univerzitě Karlově. Děti hlídám již 7 let. V 18 jsem odjela do Švýcarska, kde jsem v jedné rodině hlídala ...

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Kateřina N.

200 Kč/hour
  • 1 year experience
  • 24 years
  • Praha-Kunratice

Kateřina N.

200 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dobrý den, Jmenuji se Kateřina a jsem studentkou lékařské fakulty. S hlídáním děti mám zkušenosti. V maturitním ročníku jsem docházela hlídat tři děti ve věku 5 až 9 let a bylo ...

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