Babysitting Hodkovice nad Mohelkou
Found 115 sitters
Choose a sitter in Hodkovice nad Mohelkou. On each profile you can take a look at the level of verification of the sitter, read about her experience and, above all, find out how other parents evaluate her.
Barbora K.
Barbora K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi, my name is Barbara and I've been learning English since kindergarten. My hobbies is travelling And it help me with the English. I also visited the UK and passed the B1 Engli...
Gabriela K.
Gabriela K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello, my name Is Gabriela. I am currently applying to college to study "English with focus on education". I am positive that I am qualified for babysitting /tutoring (I work fo...
Kateřina K.
Kateřina K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello, my name is Kačka (23) and I am currently studying at the third faculty of medicine. My previous experience with children consists of leading a roller skating camp and ba...
Terézia T.
Terézia T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Ahoj, jmenuji se Terka a je mi 21 let. Jsem studentkou oboru Učitelství pro 1. stupeň základní školy a speciální pedagogika. Mám za sebou úspěšné studium na sportovním gymnáziu,...
Barbora J.
Barbora J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dobrý den, jmenuji se Barbora. Vystudovala jsem Zdravotnické lyceum v Turnově, nyní studuji na Pedagogické fakultě Technické univerzity v Liberci obor český + německý jazyk. S d...