- 3 roky zkušeností s hlídáním
- 21 let
- Vinohrady
- Kontaktovalo ji už 10 rodičů
- Aktivní před 24 hodinami
- American High School
- University of New York in Prague
- preferuje hlídání: do 20 hodin týdně
- Mám vlastní prostory
- Můžu vozit děti
- Je ochotna hlídat 10 dětí
- Oslavy
- Dovolená
- Skupinky dětí

Meera A.
200 Kč/h
- 21 let
- 3 roky zkušeností s hlídáním
- covid-19 vakcína
Prošla ověřením dokladu (OP nebo ŘP)
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O mně
My name is Meera. I am currently a student at the University of New York in Prague. I have a lot of experience working with children of various ages. I have been babysitting in my hometown for over 5 years. I have also taught in a school for special education for almost three years. I have worked with children of all ages and can encourage them to participate in different kinds of activities. I am willing to join them in outdoor sports, play boardgames, solve puzzles, help with homework or simply keep them company whilst they do their work. I believe children usually relate well to my fun loving approach and my active participation in activities.
I am available on weekends and in the mornings
Nemá aktuální kalendář
Zkušenosti s hlídáním

1 rok

3 roky

3 roky

dětský školní věk
3 roky

2 roky
Zkušenost se speciálními požadavky
Poruchy autistického spektra a Dětské nemoci
I have several years of experience working with special needs children including children with ASD, MR and Down Syndrome.
Kreslení, malování, Tanec/pohybová aktivita a Sport
I am a photographer and can do photography/video editing with children. I can play boardgames, solve puzzles, do card tricks and cook/bake
My native language is Urdu/Hindi, however, I have done my entire education in English. I can speak and write fluently. I am currently studying in English at the University of New York in Prague. I also have studied French in my Highschool but am not fluent.