 Fotky z hlídání
  • 21 let
  • Praha 13
  • Posílá fotky z hlídání mazlíčků
  • Aktivní před asi měsícem
  •  American schooling, Dubai
  •  Charles University, Medicine, Ongoing
  •  Návštěva & hraní
  •  Venčení psů
  •  Malý (do 5kg)
  •  Střední (do 25kg)
  •  Dospělý
  •  Senior
  •  Nevlastním psa
  •  Nemám děti 0-5
  •  Nemám děti 6-12

Mahd T.

200 Kč/h

550 Kč/den

  • 21 let
  • covid-19 vakcína

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O mně

Hello, pet parents! I am an avid animal lover with experience with two sweet cats, a bird, and a turtle of my own. Much of the time spent with my two cats includes administering medication and palliative care, as well as providing comfort and post-operative care. I have no fear of dealing with any kind of art (mess) a furry companion might create. I believe in respecting the boundaries of our pets, and ensuring their confidence and sense of security.

Concretely, I am comfortable with caring for healthy as well as sick or nervous cats, including feeding picky eaters! I like to play with them, ensure their food, water, and kitty toilets are kept clean, and make sure they are happy and well-groomed.

I have no prior experience caring for dogs, but am open and looking forward to it.

Co bych se ráda dozvěděla o opatrovaném psovi/mazlíčkovi

It is important for me to know these things about your pets:
•indoor or outdoor
•schedules, routines
•health condition(s), medications, allergies
•castration status if known
•any other information you might think is relevant


My schedule sometimes varies. Feel free to contact me to agree on ideal times.

Kalendář naposledy aktualizován před 4 dny

18. – 23. 3. 2025



English - Native Arabic - Native Czech - elementary

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