 Fotky z hlídání
  • 23 let
  • Vinohrady
  • Kontaktovali ji už 3 uživatelé
  • Posílá fotky z hlídání mazlíčků
  • Aktivní před 2 měsíci
  •  Grammar School, Gran Canaria, Spain.
  •  Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University
  • Kurz první pomoci
  •  Návštěva & hraní

Iris Q.

150 Kč/h

700 Kč/den

  • 23 let
  • covid-19 vakcína

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O mně

I am a 23-year-old Spanish woman who recently moved to Prague. I consider myself outgoing, sociable, and a cat lover. I have been surrounded by cats my entire life, and I enjoy spending time with them and taking care of them. Their presence is both relaxing and entertaining, making them a special part of my life.

Co bych se ráda dozvěděla o opatrovaném psovi/mazlíčkovi

I have a clear preference for cats, regardless of their age or races.


Spanish- native speaker English- B2 German- A2


Educational Attention for High Capacities Students/ University of Nebrija. Attention to students with motor disabilities/ University of Nebrija. Emotional Strategies for Behavioral Problems / University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC).

Kde opatruje mazlíčky:

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