 Fotky z hlídání
1 hodnocení
  • 26 let
  • Praha 13
  • Kontaktovalo ji už 15 uživatelů
  • Posílá fotky z hlídání mazlíčků
  • Aktivní před 2 měsíci
  • Odpovídá do: 1 hodina
  •  Colegio San Agustin
  •  Universidad Diego Portales
  •  Přenocování u mě doma
  •  Přenocování u psa (kočky...) doma
  •  Návštěva & hraní
  •  Venčení psů
  •  Přes den u mě
  •  Malý (do 5kg)
  •  Střední (do 25kg)
  •  Velký (do 40kg)
  •  Obrovský (nad 40kg)
  •  Štěně
  •  Dospělý
  •  Senior
  •  Nevlastním kočku
  •  Nevlastním psa
  •  Nemám děti 0-5
  •  Nemám děti 6-12

Paloma J.

250 Kč/h

1 200 Kč/den

  • (1)
  • 26 let
  • covid-19 vakcína

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Klara V.05/12/2024Hlídání dětí - rodič na portále

Paloma is very friendly, kind and caring.
When she came for the first time my son was hiding, but while I was talking with Paloma for like 15 minutes he came and started to show her his toys. After 2 hours he didn’t want her to leave.
I can’t believe what a connection they made.
I highly recommend Paloma.

O mně

As a dog and cat lover, my connection to the animal world is based on a deep respect and love for these creatures. I have had the opportunity to care for dogs and cats when my family members have been away for periods of a week or more. In addition, as the owner of a dachshund and a German Shepherd, I understand the specific needs of each breed in terms of physical activity and attention required.

My experience is not limited to just dogs; I have also cared for two kittens continuously when their owners go on vacation. This experience has allowed me to adapt to the different personalities and needs of the animals, ensuring their well-being and happiness during my care. By interacting with cats of varying personalities, I have learned to respect and understand the particularities of each, giving them the individualized care and attention they deserve. My commitment is to provide them with a safe, loving and affectionate environment.

Co bych se ráda dozvěděla o opatrovaném psovi/mazlíčkovi

Once I know the routine of the pet in question, I easily adapt to their specific needs. This includes meal times, dietary preferences, favorite games, preferred type of attention and the amount of exercise required each day.



Nemá aktuální kalendář



Im level B2 in English and I been learning Czech

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